Vision and Mission
Safer Community for Individuals Affected
by Violence and Abuse.*
by Violence and Abuse.*
To realize this vision, YRCCS’ mission is to provide a collaborative single access point for services within York Region to meet the needs of those affected by violence and abuse* through an integrated, seamless, holistic access to services.
* Includes family, intimate partner, sexual and gender-based violence and abuse
To fulfil its mission,
YRCCS offers three kinds of service:
YRCCS offers three kinds of service:

Intake and Assessment
Upon connecting with YRCCS, the Case Manager completes the assessment process with the client and provides information on available services. Working collaboratively, the most appropriate are identified.
Service Coordination
After completing the intake and assessment, the staff will connect with the requested service providers to make a referral for services. Where possible, a warm transfer of services (e.g.: an introduction of the client to the service
provider) is made.
Ongoing Support and Follow Up
Clients may choose to access additional services through YRCCS at any time by contacting the Case Manager.
Service providers may follow up with the client individually and clients have the option of returning