How It All Started

How Did it All Start
The creation of the York Region Centre for Community Safety (YRCCS) began in 2008 when York Regional Police (YRP) had visited the family justice centre (FJC) in San Diego. The FJC was created by two San Diego prosecutors who understood the need for victims of intimate partner violence and sexual violence to access one location for multiple services and not be forced to retell their stories.
The FJC model helps address 3 key challenges victims face when needing to access the system of services available to them.
If they can identify specifically what type of help they need, they may not know who provides it, or where to go to get it.
Once they have identified where to go, getting there can be a problem because agencies can be spread out geographically.
They have to tell their stories multiple times.
YRP initiated a dialogue with key service providers in York Region to discuss the idea of creating a family justice centre for individuals impacted by abuse.
After a journey of 5 years, with the leadership of YRP and Sandgate Women’s Shelter, support from United Way of York Region and Ontario Trillium Foundation and the commitment of service providers in York Region, YRCCS opened in 2013.
YRCCS is a co-located, coordinated single access point for services within York Region to meet the needs of those affected by intimate partner violence and sexual violence through an integrated, holistic access to services. The goal of this model is to enhance coordinated service delivery through co-locating a multi-disciplinary team of professionals and to improve access to needed services in one central location without having individuals retell their experiences. YRCCS is unique in its position as a conduit for individuals to be connected to justice and community supports and services.