Addiction Services Central Ontario
Web site: Addiction Services Central Ontario
Addiction Services Central Ontario (ASCO) is a community-based counselling organization that provides a range of addiction and mental health services, supports, and referrals for adults, youth (12+) and their families living in Toronto, York Region, and Central Ontario. Our team of trained counsellors promote a welcoming and safe environment to offer hope and promote recovery.
Midaynta Community Services
Web site: Midaynta Community Services
Midaynta is committed to building vibrant, socially integrated and united communities. Our services include settlement support, housing assistance, youth mentorship, youth diversion programs, mental health and addiction, and liaison services for families and schools.
Catholic Community Services of York Region
CCSYR offers counselling, settlement, employment, and community engagement programs and services to citizens, immigrants, newcomers, and refugees across nine municipalities of York region- through five welcome centres, 37 libraries, and both school boards.
NPower Canada
Web site: npowercanada.ca
NPower Canada launches under-served young adults into meaningful and sustainable careers in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field.
Jewish Family and Child Service
Web site: www.jfandcs.com
Jewish Family and Child Service of Greater Toronto is a multi-service agency that supports children, families and communities by increasing safety and security, improving mental health and awareness and reducing the effects of poverty within the context of Jewish values.
York Regional Police
Web site: yrp.ca
York Regional Police is proud to serve the 1.2 million residents of one of Canada’s fastest-growing and most diverse communities. The hard work and dedication of 1,681 officers and 673 civilians has resulted in our reputation as a national leader in law enforcement and crime prevention programs. Our members are guided by their mission and their values to realize our vision of making a difference in our community.
York Region Paramedics Services
York Region Paramedic Service is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to patients in York Region. They respond to emergency and non-emergency calls, are available to provide standby service for special events and can give presentations about health and safety topics. They value their community partnerships that allow Paramedics to facilitate connections between their patients and supportive community organizations.
York Region Community and Health Services, Family Support
The Family Support Worker supports clients with financial literacy, reviewing budgeting, debt and building one’s credit.
Women’s Support Network
Web site: womenssupportnetwork.ca
The Women’s Support Network of York Region is a feminist non-profit organization providing free, confidential, and accessible services to the community.
Victim Services of York Region
Web site: victimservices-york.org
Provides 24 hour emotional support and practical assistance to persons victimized by crime or tragic circumstance.
The Housing Help Centre
Web site: www.shhc.ca
Our programs focus on housing, identification, integrated information and referral, voice messaging and long distance service, and energy assistance programs.
Blue Door Shelters
Web site: https://bluedoor.ca/
Blue Door Shelters, located in York Region, provides safe, supportive shelter and services for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
York Region Children’s Aid Society
Web site: yorkcas.org
To champion the care and protection of children and youth, and the wellbeing of their families.
Yellow Brick House
Web site: yellowbrickhouse.org
Yellow Brick House is a place for abused women and children. In your neighbourhood and across our community, we are here 24 hours a day, 7 days providing help and hope to women and children.
Women’s Centre of York Region
Web site: wcyr.ca
For women who have identified the need and desire for positive change in their lives, Women’s Centre of York Region offers unique programming and services that address a range of circumstances.
Victim/Witness Assistance Program
Web site: attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca
Victim/Witness Assistance Program (V/WAP) services are provided on a priority basis to the most vulnerable victims and witnesses of violent crime, such as domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, homicide and hate crime. Families of traffic fatality victims are also eligible. Services begin once police have laid charges and continue until the court case is over.
Shelter Movers
Web site: sheltermovers.com
Shelter Movers is a national, volunteer-powered charitable organization that provides moving and storage services at no cost to women and children experiencing abuse.
Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region
Web site: sandgate.ca
Sandgate is dedicated to providing all persons who identify as women and their children shelter, support and information so they can take steps towards ending abuse in their lives.
Rose of Sharon
Web site: roseofsharon.com
Rose of Sharon is dedicated to providing counselling, education and parenting resources to prenatal and parenting young mothers and their families throughout York Region supporting their social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Domestic Abuse Sexual Assault Care Centre
Web site: mackenziehealth.ca
Services are provided by healthcare professionals who are specially trained in forensics and trauma related to abuse and assault. The centre also provides client counseling as well as support to family members and caregivers.
Multi-lingual Cultural Interpretation Services
Web site: www.mcislanguages.com
A non-profit social enterprise with the most comprehensive and professional language solutions in the industry.
Krasman Centre
Web site: krasmancentre.com
We work collaboratively with consumer/survivors and families to improve lives through information, networking, self-help, mutual support, and partnership. All programs and services, including volunteer-delivered programs, are delivered by people who identify as having direct personal experience of mental health extremes and/or homelessness and/or people who identify as psychiatric consumer/survivors as part of our peer support philosophy.
John Howard Society of York Region
Web site: johnhoward.on.ca
Provides for the effective integration into the community of those in conflict with the law and provides, or encourages others to provide, services to those in contact with, or affected by the criminal justice system.
JRCC Furniture Depot
Web site: jrccfurnituredepot.org
The JRCC Furniture depot helps people with limited means settle and create a home by providing them with furniture free of charge under our furniture donation program . Those donating furniture, can take pride in knowing their gently used furniture is going to those who need it.
Family Services York Region
Web site: fsyr.ca
FSYR provides a wide array of counselling services for people of all ages, ethnicity and orientation who are facing and seeking assistance with critical difficulties in their lives.
Community Legal Clinic of York Region
Web site: clcyr.on.ca
We provide legal solutions to low-income residents of York Region. We may be able to help you with housing issues for tenants, Ontario Works issues, Ontario Disability Support Program issues, Employment Insurance matters, CPP Disability matters, Criminal Injuries Compensations matters and advice on Employment Standards and Consumer Law.
Web site: cayrcc.org
CAYR is a safe, confidential, non-judgmental and inclusive space where people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS can get support.
Abuse Hurts
Web site: abusehurts.ca
Delivering Hope is a program that helps supply furniture, clothing, toys and house wares to women, children and men who have suffered from abuse.